Decluttering & Organizing

  • decluttering questions
    Decluttering & Organizing,  Lifestyle

    14 Essential Decluttering Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

    Now you might be thinking – what are decluttering questions and what’s so special about them! Well, decluttering your home is no fun. It can be a difficult and stressful task – emotionally, mentally, and physically. What makes it so hard at times is that decluttering isn’t just about your material possessions, it’s also about your emotional baggage and unfinished business. Regardless of your desire to simplify your home and life, your attachment to your possessions can make it difficult or nearly impossible to let them go. Part of the challenge is that we tend to ask ourselves the wrong decluttering questions when deciding what to keep and what to let go. We…

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  • decluttering and self-care
    Decluttering & Organizing,  Lifestyle,  Self-care

    Why Decluttering is Important for Self-care: Own Less, Stress Less, Enjoy More

    Decluttering is important for your self-care and overall well-being. And we will soon find out WHY! We are living in a time when almost all of us are dealing with enormous amount of stress and anxiety on a regular basis. Yet many of us don’t realize how our personal habits may be contributing to our stress levels. Too much clutter and messiness can cause distress easily. Decluttering not only makes it easier to manage your home, it can also improve your mood and state of mind in myriad of ways. At first, it might not seem like decluttering your home has anything to do with self-care. But it does have a lot…

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  • signs you need to declutter
    Decluttering & Organizing,  Lifestyle

    25 Urgent Signs You Need to Declutter

    When you are constantly overwhelmed and feel like you are dealing with too many things, you should look for the warning signs to know if you need to declutter your home now in order to simplify your life so you can slow down and relax. Clutter affects us in so many ways, and if you are not mindful, it can cost you physically, mentally, and financially. Clutter not only distracts us from what matter most, it can also make life more stressful if we keep on accumulating more and more unnecessary stuff instead of decluttering. There are 25 urgent signs you need to declutter your physical space, without any further…

  • things to declutter
    Decluttering & Organizing,  Lifestyle

    75 Easy Things to Declutter to Make This Holiday Season More Meaningful

    Want to make this holiday season more meaningful, relaxing, and enjoyable? Decluttering can help. With a list of the things to declutter, you can easily get rid of the unnecessary stuff that don’t add any value to your life, and make room for what is truly important and meaningful. This time of the year is beautiful, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful for many of us. This is a time when people usually overspend, overeat, and overschedule. All of this can cause extra stress and anxiety. If you take some time to declutter your home this weekend and let go of the stuff that you no longer use,…

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  • identify clutter
    Decluttering & Organizing,  Home and Family,  Lifestyle

    8 Ways to Identify Clutter in Your Home So You Can Easily Eliminate Them

    Want to declutter your home to make it more functional, comfortable, and peaceful? Or maybe you are already working on decluttering but still feel like there are more stuff you need to get rid of, but not quite sure what! It’s important to know how to identify the clutter in your home so you can declutter the right stuff and make room for the things that you love, value, use, and enjoy. There is a certain kind of freedom that you get to enjoy when you get rid of the clutter in your home. But clutter is not always easy to recognize and it’s often subtle. While some stuff can…

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  • benefits of decluttering
    Decluttering & Organizing,  Home and Family,  Lifestyle

    10 Surprising Benefits of Decluttering Your Home

    Decluttering is still a new word to many people. It’s getting a lot of attention recently due to the increased popularity of intentional, simple living. Ever wonder what all the buzz is about? Decluttering means getting rid of all the unnecessary stuff that neither add value to your life nor serve any purpose. There are some surprisingly powerful benefits of decluttering that you should know so you feel inspired to declutter your home in order to improve your life. What Are the Benefits of Decluttering? Decluttering is powerful, and it can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. It will make life so much simpler and easier. It’s not…

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