Lifestyle,  Self-care

Yes! You Can Be Sad Today And Happy Tomorrow

Nothing you experience in this world is everlasting. Everything takes new shapes, new turns, and new looks with time as hope, faith, efforts, and reality blend in together. The overwhelming sadness you are experiencing today can be replaced with powerful feeling of joy and happiness tomorrow. All the happy people around you deal with some moments of heartache and sadness periodically, but don’t allow themselves to dwell in it forever.

Just because you have a dark and painful past, doesn’t mean you can’t have a happy and bright future. Just because you failed yesterday, doesn’t mean you can’t succeed tomorrow. Just because your heart is broken now, doesn’t mean it won’t heal and rejoice later. Just because you are sad today, doesn’t mean you can’t be happy tomorrow!

So, don’t hold onto something too hard and too tight. The harder and tighter you hold, the more and deeper it hurts!

Have faith in God and believe in yourself. Give your best to all your endeavors, think positive, let go of the things that are neither necessary nor meaningful, simplify, and just relax…

Understand that a journey of a lifetime begins with a baby-step of love, hope, faith, and confidence. But how that journey will be depends on one’s mind-frame and attitude!

Your attitude toward all the happenings makes a world of difference. That attitudes can either make you or break you. Most of your joy and pain are the instant results of how you react and respond to the things or incidents around you, and how you interpret them. Also, it’s necessary that you learn to detach yourself from what is disturbing, bothering, or hurting you in your life. This is possible with a little dose of emotional detachment.

Learn to slow things down, live in the present moments, and let go of the things or the people that neither make you happy nor allow you to grow further, so you can make room for the better ones. Letting go is an important step toward tomorrow’s happiness and positive self-growth. And it’s a form of self-care, too!

Anything that costs you your peace of mind is simply too expensive! Don’t get attached to it. Let it go, and believe that good or bad – whatever you come across along the way, nothing is random or unnecessary in God’s Eye. Everything is just a part of your life, and your unique journey on this earth. Everything has a purpose to serve – to take you to where God wants to see YOU! So, learn to accept and move on…

Let your soul rejoice in love, hope, and kindness. Let your heart dwell in the present. Let your mind calm down and enjoy some peace. And let yourself taste the sweetness of gratitude and positivity. You owe that to yourself.

Don’t feel any pressure to compete with others. Rather compete with yourself to get better each and everyday, and “strive for excellence”, not perfection! When you desire perfection, you experience more frustration and stress. And to be honest, nothing is really perfect in this world. Perfection is defined according to our individual expectations and acceptance.

Gracefully accept your struggles and don’t compare yourself with others, because everyone has the strength to live their own life and not other people’s life.

Constantly strive to reach for excellence by improving yourself, acknowledging your short-comings, correcting your own mistakes that you are aware of, by decluttering your mental, emotional and physical spaces, and focusing on your personal growth and happiness.

Struggle for the right things like love, family, and your peace of mind because if you don’t, you will find yourself struggling for things you hardly even understand how they became priority in your life.

It’s important that you learn to forgive yourself for something that you might be holding yourself responsible for a while and feeling guilty. That enormous amount of guilt could be weighing you down, and not allowing you to experience any joy and peace of mind.

While experiencing some level of guilt is normal and productive, guilt is also commonly linked to anxiety and depression. Deal with your guilt in a compassionate manner, and allow yourself to be happy again.

Also, never lose your faith in God Almighty. Faith makes things easier to deal with. You are never really alone in your journey. He is always with you even when you don’t feel His presence in your heart. He is still there! Seek help, courage, and strength from Him to face your struggles. And be with the people who support you, appreciate you, and bring out the best in you.

But remember, only YOU are responsible for your own choices and your own actions. And you alone will have to face the consequences of those choices and actions. So, be deliberate in making choices. Choose happiness and focus on happiness, because what you focus on grows

If you are still thinking negative and feeling hopeless, please CHANGE your thoughts today, it’ll change your attitudes, and your attitudes will change the WORLD around you. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Know that if you are sad today for some reason, you can be happy tomorrow for another reason.

You may also like to read: Happy Brain, Happy Life

Do understand that a simple happy life is, by no means, a perfect life. It’s a life lived with grace, mindfulness, simplicity, loads of positivity, acceptance, courage, faith and gratitude.

It’s never too late to become the better and happier version of yourself.

Go for it…

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